Supported Functions + Objects
The functions and objects that are supported in requests sent to the API Calculator.
Supported Functions
The following table lists the functions that are supported by the API Calculator. Some functions have required Settings Objects.
Function Name | Supported Settings Properties | Expected Responses | Example |
base | StatusArchive ,TransactionHistory ,LoanSetup ,ScheduleRolls | base Example ↗ | |
payoff | dateFilter - Optional | 10-Day Array of Payoff | payoff Example ↗ |
payment-summary | Summary of TIL Disclosure Payment Count(s) and Amount(s). | payment-summary Example ↗ | |
past-due-breakdown | Past due breakdown | past-due-breakdown Example ↗ | |
delinquency-buckets-breakdown | Delinquency buckets breakdown | delinquency-buckets-breakdown Example ↗ | |
delinquency-history | Delinquency statistics for each day since contract date | delinquency-history Example | |
calculate-apr | APR calculation | calculate-apr Example ↗ | |
roll-apr | solve - Requiredapr - Required | StatusArchive ,TransactionHistory ,LoanSetup ,ScheduleRolls ,EscrowAdjustments ,EscrowCalculators ,Charges | roll-apr Example ↗ |
roll-schedule | No Settings Properties required. However, a scheduleTemplate property is required in the LoanSetup object. | LoanSetup ,ScheduleRolls | roll-schedule Example ↗ |
roll-payment | amount - Requiredmethod - RequiredamountIncludes - Optional | RollPayment ,LoanSetup | roll-payment Example ↗ |
final-payment-diff | Final Payment Difference: Interest Portion and Non Interest Portion | final-payment-diff Example ↗ | |
reverse-calc-stats | beginDate - OptionalendDate - Optional | Historical Archive statistics for each day in range | reverse-calc-stats Example ↗ |
calculate-odd-days | Unit Periods, Odd Days, and Full Days calculations | calculate-odd-days Example ↗ |
Settings Objects
The following table lists the Settings Objects that are either required or optional for a selected Function.
Optional objectsThe
, anddateWithTimezone
are optional but highly recommended properties for ALL functions.
Property Name | Data Type | Accepted Values | Property Description |
amount | Float | This is the amount used in the roll-payment function to denote what payment amount you are aiming for on the loan. Should be used with method and amountIncludes . | |
amountIncludes | Integer(s) | This specifies which, if any, escrow subset amounts should be included in the payment amount that’s being rolled for in the roll-payment function. This should be a comma separated list of Escrow Subset IDs. If this is used, the EscrowSubsetOptions object must also be included.Should be used with amount and method. | |
apr | Float | This is to be used when calculating the inputs based on the solve parameter for the Targeted APR tool. This APR input is the destination amount goal of and is calculated by adjusting the solve parameter. | |
beginDate | Date | YYYY-MM-DD or Date(unixTimeStamp) | This is the beginning date of a date range, which is especially useful for the reverse-calc-stats function. This date can be either in the future or in the past, as long as it is during the term of the loan (after the contract date but before the final payment date).Should be used with endDate . |
currentDate | Date | YYYY-MM-DD or Date(unixTimeStamp) | This is the date, in UTC, that you want to simulate pulling data for. It can either be in the future or in the past, as long as it is during the term of the loan (after the contract date but before the final payment date), and if omitted, it will default to the current date in UTC. Should be used with dateWithTimezone . |
dateFilter | Date | YYYY-MM-DD or Date(unixTimeStamp) | This is the date, in UTC, at which to start the 10-Day Payoff for the payoff function. This date can be either in the future or in the past, as long as it is during the term of the loan (after the contract date but before the final payment date), and if omitted, it will default to the current date in UTC. |
dateWithTimezone | DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or Date(unixTimeStamp) | This is the date and time, in your time-zone, that you want to simulate pulling data for. It can either be in the future or in the past, as long as it is during the term of the loan (after the contract date but before the final payment date), and if omitted, it will default to the current date in UTC. Should be used with currentDate . |
endDate | Date | YYYY-MM-DD or Date(unixTimeStamp) | This is the ending date of a date range, which is especially useful for the reverse-calc-stats function. This date can be either in the future or in the past, as long as it is during the term of the loan (after the contract date but before the final payment date).Should be used with beginDate . |
includePayoffFinalInterest | Boolean | 0 or 1 | This specifies whether the payoff being quoted should include interest for date provided or if it should only include interest up until the day prior. |
method | Text | "loan.rollpayment.loanrate" ,"loan.rollpayment.fee" ,"loan.rollpayment.termfee" ,"loan.rollpayment.term" , or"loan.rollpayment.termexact" , | This is the method that the roll-payment function should use to achieve the desired payment amount.Should be used with amount and amountIncludes . |
solve | Text or Integer | "loan.rollAPR.loanRate" or an Escrow Subset ID | This is a selection if the desired parameter to “roll” is either the interest rate on the loan or an escrow bucket and is used for the Targeted APR functionality. If an Escrow Subset ID is chosen here, the EscrowSubsetOptions object must also be included. |
Updated 6 months ago