Postman Collections

Visit LoanPro's public Postman workspace for comprehensive collections of our entire API library, guides, and automated, end-to-end flows:
LoanPro Developers Public Workspace ↗

Available Guides and Collections

Loan Management System API

This collection includes every request that involves creating, customizing, and servicing installment loans. In the folders and collections listed here, we'll explain the process of using LoanPro's software to create virtually any class of loan.

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Line of Credit + Card API

This collection details how our Card and Line of Credit functionality works and how you can integrate your existing system with ours. In the folders and collections listed here, we'll explain the process of using LoanPro's software to create customers, lines of credit, cards, card programs, and use how to use those entities to log swipes—what we call the transactions made with a credit card.

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Build a Borrower Portal with LoanPro

This collection serves as a guide to building a portal for your borrowers. In this collection, we list each API request that will help you pull the information to power your portal. Each request includes notes within the Documentation tab, and we recommend taking a look here to learn more about how each request works.

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Guided Processes

This is a collection of automated, end-to-end guides for common processes. The folders included here show you the sequence of requests required for completing a process such as offering a credit card product, originating new borrowers, and more.

Each request here is built to be used with minimal interaction—randomized variables, pre-request scripts, and tests are already written to help you capture important data and streamline your experience. Send the requests in their intended order, and that's it:

Offer an Installment Loan to a New Borrower - A collection of requests that shows the origination process: creating a borrower profile, offering the borrower an installment loan, and servicing the account.

Offer a Card Product - A collection of requests that shows how to create and offer an innovative credit card product to a new borrower.

Roll a Line of Credit Account into an Installment Loan - A collection of requests that show how to take the balance from a line of credit account and roll it into a pay-in-four installment loan.

Origination with an Application Process - A collection of requests that show how to use LoanPro in the origination process to capture borrower information in application forms, generate calculated offers, and activate loans.

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