Transaction Warnings
How to handle transaction warnings.
In the context of lending, duplicates cause potential harm to your data—duplicating a loan or a payment on a loan is, understandably, not a great idea. Missing information can also cause harm in certain circumstances. LoanPro validates the data you add to your account to reduce the chance of duplicated and missing information. If the Loan Management System detects a potential duplicate or a critical piece of information missing, the system will provide a 409
response code and a transaction warning.
How you determine to handle detected duplicates is up to you, though it's suggested to refrain from creating duplicates.
For testing purposes, you can choose to ignore the transaction warnings the system provides. To do so, add "__ignoreWarnings": true
to your payload. Please note, this is recommended only while testing requests in an environment where duplicates can cause less potential harm.
Warning Causes
Here's a list of actions and scenarios that may result in the system returning a transaction warning:
Existing Information
Cause | Description |
Duplicate customer SSN/DOB combination | A customer with the same social security number and date of birth combination already exists. |
Duplicate customer address | A customer with the same address already exists. This applies to both customer PrimaryAddress and MailAddress information. |
Duplicate customer phone Number | A customer with the same phone number already exists. |
Duplicate or invalid customer email address | A customer with the same email address already exists. |
Duplicate loan display ID | A loan with the same display ID already exists. |
Duplicate line of credit ID | A line of credit account with the same display ID already exists. |
Duplicate collateral VIN | A collateral item with the same vehicle identification number already exists. |
Missing Information
Cause | Description |
Missing application fields | This warning applies only to borrower applications—forms that allow borrowers to input personal and contact information when applying for a loan. |
Loan setup activation requirements not fulfilled | This error occurs when a loan's setup information is not complete. |
Cause | Description |
Payment prior to contract date | This error occurs when attempting to log a payment before the contract date on a loan. |
Payment prior to open date | This error occurs when attempting to log a payment before the open date on a line of credit account. |
Swipe amount exceeds available credit | This error occurs when attempting a swipe that exceeds the line of credit account's available credit. |
Updated 6 months ago