Get card status and balance details

Pull card details after transactions are completed.

After transactions have been authorized and cleared, the card’s available balance information updates. As a last piece of this flow, this request is used to view a card’s status and balance information. This request also lists a card’s address, program, and configuration details.

Additionally, this information may be valuable when a merchant is requesting to verify a card account, performing AVS, or a cardholder is checking their available advance balance at an ATM.

Send the following request to view card details. Note that the following variables from previous steps are used within the payload of this request:

  • {card-uuid} : the UUID of the card
curl --request GET \
     --url{card-uuid} \
     --header 'Authorization: {token}' \
     --header 'Secret: {secret}' \

A successful request will result in the following response structure:

  "issuer_product_id": "1254-asdf!@^%#$@",
  "processing_type": "credit",
  "date_last_updated": "2023-09-06T20:47:04.559",
  "display_card_attributes": "YES",
  "card_color": "128,128,128",
  "shipping_method": "standard",
  "card_issuer_id": 1,
  "card_currency": "USD",
  "available_balance": 12000,
  "available_advance_balance": 10000,
  "swipe_expiration_exceptions": [
      "attribute": "merchant-name",
      "attribute_values": "walmart",
      "authorization_expiration_days": 30
  "spend_limit": 5000,
  "authorization_expiration_days": 25,
  "created_date": "2023-08-22T21:48:46.392",
  "spend_limit_interval": "monthly",
  "card_metadata": "{\"tenantId\":\"5200243\",\"lmsLocId\":29,\"lmsCustomerId\":\"1861\"}",
  "card_title": "New Card Title",
  "billing_address": {
    "address1": "9598 22nd Street",
    "address2": "",
    "zipcode": "60602",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "country": "USA"
  "swipe_restrictions": [
      "attribute": "merchant-mcc",
      "attribute_whitelist": false,
      "attribute_values": "8889,7778,2223",
      "authorize_when_empty": true
  "card_status": "active",
  "card_text_color": "255,255,255",
  "network": "visa",
  "uuid": "b13217ef-40f8-4639-9890-c0c2314507ae",
  "card_program_id": 314,
  "card_background": "image",
  "shipping_address": {
    "address1": "9598 22nd Street",
    "address2": "",
    "zipcode": "60602",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "country": "USA"
  "customer_id": 6363900,
  "card_type": "physical"

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