Send Email

This request sends an email to the borrowers associated with a set of loans.

   Click here to learn more about this request

This request uses LoanPro's email tool, which lets you send emails to the customers associated with loans within your account:

  • Using the email tool requires a few preliminary steps. You will need a verified company email set up, and you will need your Connections account to be linked to your LoanPro account. Lastly, your Connections email configuration will need to be complete.
  • This request sends the email to an array of loan IDs. The customers that are associated with those loans will receive an email. The emails stored within each customer's contact information will be the recipient emails.
  • This request requires you to know your company's email ID. This ID cannot be found within the UI, but you can find it via the following GET request:

And here's a sample response which shows where the ID is found:

    "d": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "uri": "",
                    "type": "Entity.CompanyEmail"
                "id": 20, // 👈 This is the ID you will need.
                "email": "",
                "type": "",
                "typeValue": "Main Email",
                "primary": 1,
                "tenantId": 5200243,
                "validated": 1
        "summary": {
            "start": 0,
            "pageSize": 50,
            "total": 1

For an example of how the email tool works within the UI, take a look at our Email Tool article.


For information on email database tables, see the following articles:

     "companyEmailId": 75,
     "emailSubject": "Urgent! Open Before Midnight!!",
     "emailContent": "Hi, [[v('customer.primary.first-name')]]. If you don't open this email before midnight and send it to ten friends, you will have bad luck for seven years!!",
     "loans": [
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!