AutoPay Values


This article lists the values available for API requests relating to AutoPays. For more info creating and updating AutoPays via the API, check out our article on Creating AutoPays in the API.

For more information on collection values, take a look at our Enumerated Values Index article.

Amount Type (autopay.amountType)

autopay.amountType.feesDueThe AutoPay amount will equal the amount of fees currently due.
autopay.amountType.nextDueThe AutoPay amount will be the next due amount.
autopay.amountType.pastDueThe AutoPay amount will be the amount past due on the account.
autopay.amountType.piPastDueThe AutoPay amount will equal the amount of principal and interest past due on the account.
autopay.amountType.staticThe AutoPay amount will be the amount specified in the amount field.
autopay.amountType.nextPeriodThe AutoPay amount will be the amount specified next period.

Method Type (autopay.methodType)

autopay.methodType.debitBank Card
autopay.methodType.echeckElectronic Check
autopay.methodType.eftElectronic Funds Transfer (EFT, used for Canadian borrowers)

Recurring Frequency (autopay.recurringFrequency)

The Payment Frequency for the AutoPay.

autopay.recurringFrequency.annuallyThe AutoPay recurs annually.
autopay.recurringFrequency.biWeeklyThe AutoPay recurs bi-weekly.
autopay.recurringFrequency.customThe AutoPay recurs at a custom interval.
autopay.recurringFrequency.monthlyThe AutoPay recurs monthly.
autopay.recurringFrequency.quarterlyThe AutoPay recurs quarterly.
autopay.recurringFrequency.semiannuallyThe AutoPay recurs semi-annually
autopay.recurringFrequency.semiMonthlyThe AutoPay recurs semi-monthly.
autopay.recurringFrequency.semiMonthlyAltAn alternate semi-monthly schedule (see Payment Frequencies).
autopay.recurringFrequency.singleThe AutoPay occurs only once.
autopay.recurringFrequency.weeklyThe AutoPay recurs weekly.

AutoPay Status (autopay.status)

autopay.status.cancelledThe AutoPay has been cancelled.
autopay.status.completedThe AutoPay completed successfully.
autopay.status.failedThe AutoPay failed.
autopay.status.pendingThe AutoPay is pending for processing.

AutoPay Type (autopay.type)

autopay.type.multipleThe AutoPay occurs at whatever dates have payments scheduled.
autopay.type.recurringThe AutoPay recurs at a regular interval.
autopay.type.recurringMatchThe AutoPay processes when a payment comes due on the account.
autopay.type.singleThe AutoPay occurs once.

Payment Method Account Type (bankacct.type)

bankacct.type.checkingA checking account.
bankacct.type.savingsA savings account.

Payment Method Auth Type (payment.echeckauth)

payment.echeckauth.WEBPayment authorized via the web.
payment.echeckauth.PPDPayment authorized via personal signature.
payment.echeckauth.CCDPayment authorized via company signature
payment.echeckauth.TELPayment authorized via telephone.

Process Date Condition

calendarDaysProcesses payments on calendar days.
bankingDaysProcess payments on banking days.

Recurring Date Option (autopay.recurringDate)

autopay.recurringDate.applyDateThe next AutoPay in the cycle will be scheduled based on the apply date.
autopay.recurringDate.processDateThe next AutoPay in the cycle will be scheduled based on the process date.

SchedulingType (autopay.schedulingType)

autopay.schedulingType.calendarDayIf the payment falls on a non-banking day, process date should be on that day.
autoapay.schedulingType.bankingDayPriorIf the payment falls on a non-banking day, process date should be adjusted to the prior banking day.
autopay.schedulingType.bankingDayNextIf the payment falls on a non-banking day, process date should be adjusted to the next banking day.

Payoff Adjustment (payoffAdjustment)

This does not use a collection, but takes values of 0, 1, or 2.

0Do not process the AutoPay.
1Adjust the AutoPay amount to equal the payoff amount.
2Process the AutoPay for the scheduled amount.