Get Customer Information

This request pulls customer information.

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A customer is an individual or company that can be associated with a loan or line of credit account.

Within LoanPro, customers are represented by the Customers entity, which holds basic customer information as well as information stored within nested objects. Each objects functions as a category of information, such as addresses, phones, payment profiles, and more.

There are two ways to pull information that's stored within the Customers entity:

  1. Sending a GET request to the specific object
  2. Sending a GET request to the Customers endpoint with an OData $expand parameter

Please keep in mind that the chosen method will affect the response structure.

Here's a list of the objects nested within the Customers entity:

Object Description
CreditScore This holds a customer's credit score information from the three available credit reporting agencies.
CustomFieldValues This holds information for the custom fields associated with this customer.
Documents This holds information for the documents that have been associated with this customer.
Employer This holds the customer's employment information.
Loans This holds information about the loans that are associated with this customer.
MailAddress This holds the customer's mailing address.
Notes This holds information for the notes that have been associated with this customer.
PaymentAccounts This holds the customer's payment profile information.
Phones This holds the customer's phone information.
PrimaryAddress This holds the customer's primary address.
References This holds information regarding the customer's references.
SocialProfiles This holds the customer's social media profile information.

For an example of how customer information works within the UI, take a look at our Customer Overview article.


For information regarding customer database tables, see the following articles:

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