Loan Setup Values


This article lists the loan setup collection values available in the API. For more information on collection values, take a look at our Enumerated Values Index article.

Interest Rate Type (loan.rateType)

loan.rateType.annuallyThis is the annual interest rate.
loan.rateType.biweeklyThis is the Bi-weekly interest rate. A biweekly interest rate of 1% is the same as an annual interest rate of 26%.
loan.rateType.monthlyThis is the monthly interest rate. A monthly interest rate of 1% is the same as an annual interest rate of 12%.
loan.rateType.semiannuallyThis is the semi-annual interest rate. A semi-annual interest rate of 1% is the same as an annual interest rate of 2%.
loan.rateType.semimonthlyThis is semi-monthly interest rate. A semi-monthly interest rate of 1% is the same as an annual interest rate of 24%.
loan.rateType.weeklyThis is the weekly interest rate. A weekly interest rate of 1% is the same as an annual interest rate of 52%.

Loan Class (loan.class)

This is a list of all Loan Class types. This is usually the same as the collateral type.

loan.class.carLoanThis is for car loans
loan.class.consumerThis is for consumer loans
loan.class.mortgageThis is for Real Estate loans
loan.class.otherThis is for other loans

Loan Type (loan.type)

This is a list of all loan types.

loan.type.creditLimitThis is for credit limit loans
loan.type.flooringThis is for flooring loans
loan.type.installmentThis is for installment loans.
loan.type.leaseThis is for leases

Loan Reporting Type (loan.reportingtype)

loan.reportingtype.CThis is the line of credit reporting type on a loan.
loan.reportingtype.IThis is the installment reporting type on a loan.
loan.reportingtype.MThis is the mortgage reporting type on a loan.
loan.reportingtype.OThis is the open reporting type on a loan.
loan.reportingtype.RThis is the revolving reporting type on a loan.

Loan Payment Frequency (loan.frequency)

This is a list of payment frequency options.

loan.frequency.annuallyPayments are due once a year.
loan.frequency.biWeeklyPayments are due once every other week.
loan.frequency.customPayments are due at a custom interval.
loan.frequency.monthlyPayments are due once a month.
loan.frequency.quarterlyPayments are due once a quarter.
loan.frequency.semiannuallyPayments are due twice a year.
loan.frequency.semiMonthlyPayments are due twice a month.
loan.frequency.semiMonthlyAltPayments are due twice a month, always on the 1st and 15th.
loan.frequency.singleOnly a single payment will come due on the loan (full amount of loan due)
loan.frequency.weeklyPayments are due once a week.

Loan Calculation Type (loan.calcType)

This is a list of all options for loan calculation type.

loan.calcType.interestOnlyThis is for interest-only loans.
loan.calcType.rule78This is for Rule-78 loans (please note that these loans are illegal in many areas; check with the laws in the jurisdiction where your company resides before accruing interest based on the rule of 78s).
loan.calcType.simpleInterestThis is for simple interest loans.
loan.calcType.simpleIntLockedThis is for simple interest locked loans. Simple interest locked means no more and no less than the originally calculated interest amount will come due on the loan.

Days in Year (loan.daysInYear)

This is a list of all options for Days in Year calculations:

loan.daysInYear.actualUse the actual number of days in a year.
loan.daysInYear.frequencyUse a number of days in a year that is calculated based on the payment frequency (number of days in a payment period * number of payment periods in a year).

Interest Application (loan.interestApplication)

Here is a list of interest application methods.

loan.interestApplication.betweenPeriodsInterest is applied between periods.
loan.interestApplication.betweenTransactionsInterest is applied between transactions made on the loan.

Beg/End (loan.begend)

Here’s a list of Beginning/End options

loan.begend.begInterest is paid in the beginning of a payment period.
loan.begend.endInterest is paid at the end of a payment period.

First Period Days (loan.firstPeriodDays)

Here’s a list of options for number of days in the first payment period.

loan.firstPeriodDays.actualCalculations are based on the actual number of days in the first period.
loan.firstPeriodDays.forceRegularCalculations are based on a regular number of days in the first payment period regardless of the number of days in that period.
loan.firstPeriodDays.frequencyCalculations are based off a regular length first payment period if the length of the period is within one da of a regular period.
loan.firstPeriodDays.unitPeriodOddDaysCalculations are based off a unit period of 30 days for one actual month, even if the actual month has 28 to 31 days, plus any odd days.

First Day Interest (loan.firstdayinterest)

Below is a list of options for the first day interest of a loan.

loan.firstdayinterest.no0 - Do not charge interest on the first day of a loan.
loan.firstdayinterest.yes1 - Do charge interest on the first day of the loan.

Discount Calculation Method (loan.discountCalc)

Below is a list of discount calculation methods.

loan.discountCalc.fullThis option pays only the discount portion of the principal until all the discount has been paid.
loan.discountCalc.percentageThe percentage will calculate the amount of discount by multiplying the principal portion of the payment by the original discount divided by the original principal balance.
loan.discountCalc.percentFixedPercentage fixed works very similarly to percentage. The principal portion of a payment will always be split in the same percentage as the percent of the original discount to the total loan amount regardless of whether there is any discount due on the loan.
loan.discountCalc.rebalancingRebalancing calculates the discount as the unpaid discount divided by the remaining term of the loan.

Days in Year Alternate (loan.diyAlt)

Below is a list of options for Days in Year Alternate.

loan.diyAlt.noThis means no days in year alternate.
loan.diyAlt.yesThis means there is days in year alternate.

Days in Period (loan.daysinperiod)

Below is a list of options for custom days in a period.

loan.daysinperiod.1Payment due every day
loan.daysinperiod.1BPayment due every business day (Monday through Friday)
loan.daysinperiod.2Payment due every other day
loan.daysinperiod.3Loan period length is 3 days.
loan.daysinperiod.4Loan period length is 4 days.
loan.daysinperiod.5Loan period length is 5 days.
loan.daysinperiod.6Loan period length is 6 days.
loan.daysinperiod.8Loan period length is 8 days.
loan.daysinperiod.9Loan period length is 9 days.
loan.daysinperiod.10Loan period length is 10 days.
loan.daysinperiod.12Loan period length is 12 days.
loan.daysinperiod.13Loan period length is 13 days.
loan.daysinperiod.15Loan period length is 15 days.
loan.daysinperiod.18Loan period length is 18 days.
loan.daysinperiod.20Loan period length is 20 days.
loan.daysinperiod.24Loan period length is 24 days.
loan.daysinperiod.26Loan period length is 26 days.
loan.daysinperiod.28Loan period length is 28 days.
loan.daysinperiod.30Loan period length is 30 days.
loan.daysinperiod.36Loan period length is 36 days.
loan.daysinperiod.40Loan period length is 40 days.
loan.daysinperiod.45Loan period length is 45 days.
loan.daysinperiod.52Loan period length is 52 days.
loan.daysinperiod.60Loan period length is 60 days.
loan.daysinperiod.72Loan period length is 72 days.
loan.daysinperiod.73Loan period length is 73 days.
loan.daysinperiod.90Loan period length is 90 days.
loan.daysinperiod.91Loan period length is 91 days.
loan.daysinperiod.120Loan period length is 120 days.
loan.daysinperiod.180Loan period length is 180 days.
loan.daysinperiod.182Loan period length is 182 days.
loan.daysinperiod.360Loan period length is 360 days.
loan.daysinperiod.364Loan period length is 364 days.
loan.daysinperiod.365Loan period length is 365 days.

Last as Final (loan.lastasfinal)

loan.lastasfinal.no0 - If more interest accrues on a loan that was originally intended, or payments were missed, add payments to the schedule to adjust.
loan.lastasfinal.yes1 - Make the last loan payment larger to adjust for missed payments or extra interest accrual.

Curtailment Percentage Base (loan.curtailpercentbase)

loan.curtailpercentbase.loanAmountThis is the original principal balance on a loan.

Next Due Date Calculation (loan.nddCalc)

Determines how to calculate the next due date. See Next Due Date (NDD) Calculation.

loan.nddCalc.interest.OnlyThe interest only next due date calculation.
loan.nddCalc.standardThe standard next due date calculation.

End Interest (loan.endInterest)

loan.endInterest.loanExpThis is the original loan expiration date.
loan.endInterest.noThis is the option of no end interest.

Fees Paid By (loan.feesPaidBy)

loan.feesPaidBy.dateThis is the fees paid by date on a loan.
loan.feesPaidBy.periodThis is the fees paid by period on a loan.

Late Fee Type (loan.lateFee)

loan.lateFee.1Flat $30.00 fee
loan.lateFee.2Custom flat dollar amount
loan.lateFee.3Custom percentage
loan.lateFee.4Greater between custom flat amount and percentage
loan.lateFee.5Lesser between custom flat amount and percentage

Late Fee Calculation (loan.lateFeeCalc)

loan.lateFeeCalc.currentThis is the current late fee calculation on the loan.
loan.lateFeeCalc.standardThis is the standard late fee calculation on a loan.
loan.lateFeeCalc.standardFeeThis is the standard fee for a late fee.

Late Fee Percentage Base (loan.latefeepercentbase)

loan.latefeepercentbase.escrowRegular payment/ Escrow
loan.latefeepercentbase.regularThis is the regular payment
loan.latefeepercentbase.escrowHoldRegular payment + Escrow + Hold
loan.latefeepercentbase.holdRegular payment + Hold

Payment Date Application (loan.pmtdateapp)

loan.pmtdateapp.actualActual/ Next
loan.pmptdateapp.lastLast/ Next

Loan Fee Past Due (loan.feepastduecalc)

loan.feepastduecalc.dateThis is the fee past due calculation on a loan.
loan.feepastduecalc.immediateThis is the immediate fee past due calculation.

Loan Fixed Term (loan.fixedterm)

loan.fixedterm.noThis means there is no fixed term on the loan.
loan.fixedterm.yesThis means fixed term is on the loan.

Loan Discount Split (loan.discountsplit)

loan.discountsplit.noRecognize discount all in the loan.
loan.discountsplit.yesRecognize discount over the life of the loan as payments come.