Payments Values


This article lists the collections options available when using the API to log and process payments. For more information on collection values, take a look at our Enumerated Values Index article.

Payment Applications (payment.application)

payment.application.discountDiverts a specific amount of payment to discount
payment.application.escrowDiverts a specific amount of payment to escrow
payment.application.feesDiverts a specific amount of payment to fees
payment.application.interestDiverts a specific amount of payment to interest
payment.application.payoffFeesDiverts a specific amount of payment to pay off fees
payment.application.principalDiverts a specific amount of payment to principal
payment.application.principalBalanceDiverts a specific amount of payment to principal balance

Payment eCheck Processor (payment.echeck.processor)

payment.echeck.processor.balancedpaymentseCheck is processed through Balanced Payments.
payment.echeck.processor.check21eCheck is processed through Check 21.
payment.echeck.processor.forteeCheck is processed through Forte.
payment.echeck.processor.interceptefteCheck is processed through InterceptEFT. (This processor is not an option anymore.)
payment.echeck.processor.speedchexeCheck is processed through SpeedChex.

Payment eCheck Authorization Type (payment.echeckauth)

payment.echeckauth.CCDCompany signature authorization
payment.echeckauth.PPDIndividual signature authorization
payment.echeckauth.TELTelephone authorization
payment.echeckauth.WEBWeb authorization

Extra Towards – Between Periods (payment.extra.periods)

payment.extra.periods.nextExtra applies towards next payment.
payment.extra.periods.prinicipalonlyExtra applies only towards the principal.

Extra Towards – Between Transactions (payment.extra.tx)

payment.extra.tx.principalExtra applies to principal and affects next due date.
payment.extra.tx.principalonlyExtra applies to only principal and does not affect next due date.
payment.extra.tx.classicExtra applies to the past due amount, then the next due amount, then the principal only.
payment.extra.tx.classicv1Extra applies as it does with classic, however it only affects the next future payment and no payments beyond that.
payment.extra.tx.classicv2Extra applies to the current amount due, then the next two scheduled payments, then principal only.
payment.extra.tx.onePeriodForecastedSimilar to Next Forecasted, with the payment applying to the current amount due, then covering the next scheduled payment, and then applying to principal only.

Payment Method (payment.methods)

payment.methods.cashThe payment method is cash.
payment.methods.checkThe payment method is a check.
payment.methods.debitThe payment method is a debit card.
payment.methods.directdepositThe payment method is direct deposit.
payment.methods.echeckThe payment method is an e-check.
payment.methods.eftThe payment is a Canadian transaction.
payment.methods.emailxferThe payment method is email transfer.
payment.methods.miscThe payment method is set as miscellaneous.
payment.methods.otherUsed to create a custom payment method.
payment.methods.paynearmePayment method is cash service.
payment.methods.payrollPayment method is through wage garnishment or diverted wages.

Card Payment Fee Types (loan.cardfee.types)

loan.cardfee.types.0Used to waive card fees.
loan.cardfee.types.1Sets a flat card fee.
loan.cardfee.types.2Sets a percentage card fee.
loan.cardfee.types.3Chooses between the greater of a flat fee or percentage.
loan.cardfee.types.4Chooses between the lesser of a flat fee or percentage.

Payment Processor (payment.processor)

payment.processor.authorizenetPayment is processed through
payment.processor.versapayPayment is processed through VersaPay.

Reversed Payments (payment.reverse)

payment.reverse.canadaErrorCodeInsufficient funds from a Canadian bank.
payment.reverse.checkBounceInsufficient funds, causing a check to bounce.
payment.reverse.clericalErrorClerical error.
payment.reverse.nachaErrorCodeInsufficient funds from a U.S. bank.
payment.reverse.nsfInsufficient funds.

Payment Status (payment.status)

payment.status.none(None) No payment status has been received from the processor.
payment.status.approved(Approved) The payment has been approved by the processor. Approved usually means the transaction will go through, but the funds haven't settled to the receiving account yet.
payment.status.chargedBack(Charged Back) The payment has been charged back by the processor. Charge backs are requested by the cardholder and are only relevant to bank-card payments.
payment.status.failed(Failed) The processor was unable to process the payment.
payment.status.inReview(In Review) The processor is reviewing the payment either because it was requested by the cardholder (possibly for a chargeback) or for other risk assessment or risk management purposes.
payment.status.pending(Pending) The payment has been received by the processor, but has not yet been processed.
payment.status.pendingRefund(Pending Refund) The merchant has requested that the payment be refunded, but the funds have not yet settled to the originating account.
payment.status.refunded(Refunded) The payment was successfully processed, but then refunded. This status means the refund is complete and funds have settled.
payment.status.settled(Settled) Funds for the payment have been received by the merchant.
payment.status.success(Success) This means that a requested payment processed successfully. Depending on the processor and payment type, funds may not have settled yet.
payment.status.voidDeclined(Void Declined) Payments can only be voided when they are still pending. Void declined means a void was requested but could not be completed (usually because the payment is already processing).
payment.status.voided(Voided) A void was completed, which stops a payment from processing after it was submitted to the processor.

Payment Account Type (paymentAccount.type)

paymentAccount.type.creditUsed for credit card payment profiles.
paymentAccount.type.checkingUsed for checking account payment profile.

Payment Split Fee Options (loan.splitFee.option)

loan.splitFee.option.0Charge the convenience fee on the base loan (this loan) ONLY.

This will charge the convenience fee that was entered in the “Payment Profile Information” section to the current loan only. Your base loan will have a fee, and the linked loans will have no fee.
loan.splitFee.option.1Charge the convenience fee from the base loan (this loan) on EACH loan across which the payment is split.

This will charge the convenience fee that was entered in the “Payment Profile Information” section on each loan that the split payment applies to. This will result in every loan having the same fee.
loan.splitFee.option.2Pull and charge the default convenience fee from EACH loan across which the payment is split.

This option will pull the default convenience fee amount from each loan that the split payment applies to and charge that amount on each respective loan. This may result in each loan being charged a different convenience fee.
loan.splitFee.option.3Waive the convenience fee on the base loan (this loan) ONLY.

The base loan won't have a convenience fee, but the other loans the payment is linked to will be charged their default convenience fee.
loan.splitFee.option.4Waive the convenience fee from the base loan (this loan) and EACH loan across which the payment is split.

No convenience fees are logged on any of the linked loans for this payment.