Charge Values


This article lists the charge collection values that are available in the API. These collections are for Recurring Charges.

For more information on collection values, take a look at our Enumerated Values Index article.

Charge Types (charge.types)

charge.types.convenienceThis is the convenience fee on the loan.
charge.types.lateThis is the late fee charge on an account.
charge.types.nsfThis is the next scheduled fee on the loan.
charge.types.otherThis is any other fees on an account.
charge.types.repossessionThis is the repossession fee on a loan.

Loan Late Fee App (loan.latefeeapp)

loan.latefeeapp.payoffCharge comes due when the loan is paid off
loan.latefeeapp.standardCharge comes due on the date it is assessed

Loan Past Due Setting (loan.pastude)

loan.pastdue.includeCharge is included in amount and days past due calculations
loan.pastdue.omittedCharge is not included in amount and days past due calculations