Get Escrow Information

This request pulls a loan's escrow information.

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The LoanPro calculator and Loan Management System (LMS) allow a great deal of configuration when it comes to setting up and using escrow. To achieve this, the API uses a combination of multiple escrow objects:

  • There are 6 separate escrow objects. Here's a breakdown of those objects:
Object NameDescription
These two objects both hold Escrow Bucket information.
EscrowCalculatorsThis object holds Escrow Calculator information.
EscrowTransactionsThis object holds transaction information. Information on payments made to an escrow account is stored here.
EscrowCalculatedTxThis object holds information for escrow transactions and how they have affected the escrow account for a loan.
EscrowAdjustmentsThis object holds information for adjustments that are made to the escrow portion of a loan.

An escrow adjustment consists of two pieces of data: the payment period when the escrow amount will start to be added to payments, and the amount that will come due with each payment.

When an escrow adjustment is entered, it will affect all payments from the payment period going forward.
  • It's possible to expand multiple objects within a single request. To pull all of the escrow information for a loan with one request, format the endpoint like the following:$expand=EscrowCalculatedTx,EscrowAdjustments,EscrowTransactions,EscrowSubsets,EscrowSubsetOptions,EscrowCalculators


For information on escrow database tables, see the following articles:

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