Enumerated Values Index

An enumerated value (also known as an enumeration or enum) is a type of data that uses a set of pre-determined values for a field, ensuring data pushed into a system is valid. The Loan Management System API uses enumerated values within individual API requests, and our API Reference lists the values that are available for a field.

This index lists all available collections of enumerated values and provides links to pages that provide descriptions of each value.

In addition to this index, the LMS API includes an endpoint that allows you to pull the values from each collection for a quick search. To pull a list of enumerated values for a collection, send a GET request to the following endpoint with standard LMS API headers:

GET https://loanpro.simnang.com/api/public/api/1/collections({group})/items
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Autopal-Instance-Id: {Tenant ID}
Content-Type: application/json

Replace {group} with the collection's name:



The following index lists all available enumerated value collections and provides links to articles with additional detail.


This is the loan setup collections which include things, such as percentage, interest, frequency, etc.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.begendAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.calcTypeAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.classAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.curtailpercentbaseAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.daysInYearAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.daysinperiodAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.discountInamtaddAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.discountCalcAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.discountsplitAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.diyAltAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.endInterestAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.feepastduecalcAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.feesPaidByAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.firstdayinterestAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.firstPeriodDaysAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.fixedtermAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.frequencyAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.interestApplicationAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.lastasfinalAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.lateFeeAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.latefeepercentbaseAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.nddCalcAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.pmtdateappAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.rateTypeAPI – Loan Setup Values
loan.typeAPI – Loan Setup Values


This is the charge collections which include things, such as calculation, percentage, events, etc.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.latefeeappAPI – Charge Values
charge.recurring.calculationAPI – Recurring Charge Values
charge.recurring.eventAPI – Recurring Charge Values
charge.recurring.percentagebaseAPI – Recurring Charge Values
charge.typesAPI – Recurring Charge Values

Collateral Tracking

This is the collateral collections which includes the status and collateral type.

CollectionArticle Link
collateral.gpsstatusAPI – Collateral Tracking Values
collateral.typeAPI – Collateral Tracking Values


This is the context collections in the API, such as format and section.

CollectionArticle Link
context.formatAPI – Context Values
context.sectionAPI – Context Values

Computation Field

This is the computation field collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
computationField.formatAPI – Computation Field Values
computationField.roundAPI – Computation Field Values


This is the escrow collections on a loan, such as escrow map, payoff, percent base, etc.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.escrowAvailabilityAPI – Escrow Values
loan.escrowextendfinalAPI – Escrow Values
loan.escrowmapAPI – Escrow Values
loan.escrowpayoffAPI – Escrow Values
loan.escrowPercentBaseAPI – Escrow Values
loan.escrowpmtappAPI – Escrow Values
loan.escrowProrateFirstAPI – Escrow Values


This is the loan funding collections which include things, such as funding method and status.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.funding.authAPI – Loan Funding Values
loan.funding.methodAPI – Loan Funding Values
loan.funding.statusAPI – Loan Funding Values


This is the insurance collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.insuranceStatusAPI – Loan Insurance Status Values

Prorate First

This is the loan prorate first collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.proratefirstAPI – Loan Prorate First Values


This is the promise collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.promise.typeAPI – Promise Values


This is the loan settings collections which include things, such as credit status and credit bureau.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.creditbureauAPI – Loan Settings Values
loan.creditstatusAPI – Loan Settings Values
loan.ecoacodesAPI – Loan Settings Values
loan.reportingtypeAPI – Loan Settings Values

Configurable Payment Schedule (formerly Schedule Roll)

This is the schedule roll collections in the API such as the schedule roll and roll payment.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.rollPaymentAPI – Schedule Roll Values
loan.rollScheduleSolveAPI – Schedule Roll Values


This is the customer collections that includes things, such as status, type, gender, etc.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.customerRoleAPI – Loan Customer Role Values
customer.genderAPI – Customer Values
customer.generationCodeAPI – Customer Values
customer.idTypeAPI – Customer Values
customer.phoneTypeAPI – Customer Phones
customerReference.relationAPI – Customer References
customer.statusAPI – Customer Values
customer.typeAPI – Customer Values

Bank Account

This is the bank account collections which include things such as bank account type and check type.

CollectionArticle Link
bankacct.checktypeAPI – Bank Account Check Type Values
bank.acct.typeAPI – Bank Account Type Values


This is the credit card collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
CollectionArticle Link
creditCard.typeAPI – Credit Card Type Values


This is the collections for the customer employer which includes things, such as income and pay date frequency.

CollectionArticle Link
customerEmployer.incomeFrequencyAPI – Employer Values
customerEmployer.payDateFrequencyAPI – Employer Values


This is the loan SMS status collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.smsStatusAPI – Loan SMS Status Values


This is the company collections such as the companies email, phone, country, etc.

CollectionArticle Link
company.countryAPI – Loan Funding ValuesAPI – Company Values, and API – Addresses
company.dateformatAPI – Company Values
company.emailAPI – Company Values
company.phoneAPI – Company Values
company.themeAPI – Company Values
company.timezoneAPI – Company Values

Payment Processing


This is the payment collections in the API, such as methods, processors, status, etc.

CollectionArticle Link
payment.applicationAPI – Payments Values
paymentAccount.typeAPI – Payments ValuesAPI – Payment Profile Values
loan.cardfee.typesAPI – Payments Values
payment.echeck.processorAPI – Payments Values
payment.echeckauthAPI – Payments Values
payment.extra.periodsAPI – Payments Values
payment.extra.txAPI – Payments Values
payment.methodsAPI – Payments Values
payment.processorAPI – Payments Values
payment.reverseAPI – Payments Values
payment.statusAPI – Payments Values
loan.smoothpaymentsAPI – Smooth Payments Values
transaction.typeAPI – Escrow Transaction Values


This is the autopay collections which includes collections such as amount type, method type, status, etc.

CollectionArticle Link
autopay.amountTypeAPI – AutoPay Values
autopay.methodTypeAPI – AutoPay Values
autopay.recurringFrequencyAPI – AutoPay Values
autopay.statusAPI – AutoPay Values
autopay.typeAPI – AutoPay Values


This is the NACHA collections return codes.

CollectionArticle Link
nacha.returnCodeAPI – NACHA Return Code Values


Collector Queue

This is the collector queue collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
collectorQueue.setAPI – Collector Queue Values

Custom Field

This is the custom field collections which includes entity and type.

CollectionArticle Link
customfield.entityAPI – Custom Field Values
customfield.typeAPI – Custom Field Values


This is the credit collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
creditReport.statusAPI – Credit Report Values

Data Dump

This is the data dump process collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
dataDumpProcess.statusAPI – Data Dump Process Values

Due Date/Late Fees

This is the loan due dates/late fee collections which includes things, such as amount past due, late fee calculation, loan business due dates, etc.

CollectionArticle Link
loan.apd.adjust.typeAPI – Amount Past Due Adjustments
loan.businessduedatesAPI – Loan Business Due Dates Values
loan.lateFeeCalcAPI – Late Fee Calculation Values


This is the Geo collections which includes things, such as province and state.

CollectionArticle Link
geo.provinceAPI – Geo Values
geo.stateAPI – Geo Values


This is the notes subcategory collections in the API.

CollectionArticle Link
note.subcategoryAPI – Note Subcategory Values