NACHA Return Code Values
This article lists the NACHA return code collections that area available in the API. For more information on collection values, take a look at our Enumerated Values Index article.
NACHA Return Codes (nacha.returnCode)
Value | Description |
nacha.returnCode.r01 | This is the insufficient funds return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r02 | This is the bank account closed return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r03 | This is the no bank account/unable to locate account return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r04 | This is the invalid bank account number return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r05 | This is the improper debit to consumer account return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r06 | This is the returned per ODFI request return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r07 | This is the authorization revoked by customer return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r08 | This is the payment stopped return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r09 | This is the uncollected funds return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r10 | This is the customer advises not authorized return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r11 | This is the check truncation entry return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r12 | This is the branch sold to another RDFI return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r13 | This is the RDFI not qualified to participate return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r14 | This is the representative payee deceased or unable to continue in that capacity return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r15 | This is the beneficiary or bank account holder return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r16 | This is the bank account frozen return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r17 | This is the file record edit criteria return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r18 | This is the improper effective entry date return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r19 | This is the amount field error return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r20 | This is the non-payment bank account return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r21 | This is the invalid company ID number return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r22 | This is the invalid individual ID number return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r23 | This is the credit entry refused by receiver return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r24 | This is the duplicate entry return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r25 | This is the addenda error return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r26 | This is the mandatory field error return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r27 | This is the trace number error return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r28 | This is the transit routing number check digit error return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r29 | This is the corporate customer advises not authorized return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r30 | This is the RDFI not participant in check truncation program return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r31 | This is the permissible return entry (CCD and CTX only) return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r32 | This is the RDFI non-settlement return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r33 | This is the return of XCK entry return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r34 | This is the limited participation RDFI return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r35 | This is the return of improper debit entry return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r36 | This is the return of improper credit entry (RCK) NACHA return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r37 | This is the source document presented for payment NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r38 | This is the stop payment source document return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r39 | This is the improper source document/ source document presented for payment return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r40 | This is the return of ENR entry by Federal Government Agency (ENR only) NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r41 | This is the invalid transaction code (ENR only) NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r42 | This is the routing number/ check digit error (ENR only) NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r43 | This is the invalid DFI account number (ENR only) NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r44 | This is the invalid individual ID number/ Identification number (ENR only) NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r45 | This is the invalid individual name/ company name (ENR only) NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r46 | This is the invalid representative payee indicator (ENR only) NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r47 | This is the duplicate enrollment (ENR only) NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r50 | This is the state law affecting RCK acceptance NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r51 | This is the amount of the RCK entry was not accurately obtained from the item NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r52 | This is the stop payment on item (adjustment entries) NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r53 | This is the item and ACH entry present for payment NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.61 | This is the misrouted return NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r62 | This is the incorrect trace number NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r63 | This is the incorrect dollar amount NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r64 | This is the incorrect individual identification NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r65 | This is the incorrect transaction code NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r66 | This is the incorrect company identification NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r67 | This is the duplicate return NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r68 | This is the untimely return NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r69 | This is the multiple errors NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r70 | This is the permissible return entry not accepted NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r71 | This is the misrouted dishonored return NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r72 | This is the untimely dishonored return NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r73 | This is the timely original return NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r74 | This is the corrected return NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r75 | This is the return not a duplicate return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r76 | This is the non-accepted of r62 dishonored return. |
nacha.returnCode.r80 | This is the cross-border payment coding error NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r81 | This is the non-participant in cross-border program NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r82 | This is the invalid foreign receiving DFI identification NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r83 | This is the foreign receiving DFI unable to settle NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r84 | This is entry not processed by OGO NACHA. |
nacha.returnCode.r85 | This is the incorrectly coded outbound international payment return code. |
nacha.returnCode.r100 | This is the no r-code available return code. |
Updated 9 months ago