Get bank account balance history

This request pulls a bank account's balance history.

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Pulling Bank Account Balance History

Secure Payments' partnership with Finicity allows users to pull borrower bank account balance and transaction history. This request pulls an account's balance history.

This request is only available if the following is true:

  • You have signed the end-user Finicity agreement within your Secure Payments account
  • The borrower used the Finicity iframe to link the bank account
  • The bank account is associated with a customer profile within Secure Payments

The response of this request is affected by whether you have selected to use "Single" or "Continual" bank account information capture. Using the "Continual" information capture option will log a capture an account's balance history information daily. Balance history captures are listed within the "items" array of the response.

⚠️ Finicity features incur additional costs to your account.

You must first agree to the terms and conditions in the end-user agreement before implementing them.

Sending this request does not incur a cost.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!