Add/Edit Escrow Adjustment

This request adds or edits an escrow adjustment.

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This request can add, edit, or even delete an escrow adjustment:

  • The EscrowAdjustments object holds escrow adjustment information, and it's nested within the Loans entity.
  • An escrow adjustment consists of two pieces of data:
    • The payment period when the escrow amount will start to be added to payments
    • The amount that will come due with each payment
  • When entering an escrow adjustment, it will affect all payments from the payment period enter going forward.

And for an example of how escrow adjustments work within the UI, take a look at our Create a New Escrow Adjustment article.


For information on escrow database tables, see the following articles:

    "EscrowAdjustments": {
        "results": [
                "date": "2022-09-19",
                "amount": "94.83",
                "subset": 2,
                "period": 23
    "EscrowAdjustments": {
        "results": [
                "date": "2021-01-01",
                "amount": "100.29",
                "subset": 4,
                "period": 1,
                "__id": 543,
                "__update": true
    "EscrowAdjustments": {
        "results": [
                "__id": 543,
                "__destroy": true
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