Get linked loan account information

This request pulls a breakdown of the loan accounts linked to a specific line of credit.

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This request pulls a breakdown of the loan accounts linked to a specific line of credit account. LoanPro's Account Link functionality allows users to link line of credit accounts and loan accounts together—allowing accounts to share balances and allowing borrowers to easily make payments on multiple accounts at a time.

This is a custom endpoint that searches for and returns the balance breakdown of loan accounts linked to the line of credit. Account links are also stored within the LineOfCreditAccountLinkings object nested within the LineOfCredits entity. This endpoint is useful for pulling information about multiple accounts all at once.

To learn how to link accounts together, view Link accounts ↗

For a breakdown of how line of credit balances are calculated, read our Line of Credit Calculations ↗ article.

Looking for general line of credit account information?

Use the LineOfCredits endpoint as detailed on the Get Line of Credit Account ↗ request.


For information regarding line of credit linking database tables, see the following articles:

Database – Line of Credit Account Linking entity (line_of_credit_account_linking_entity)

Database – Line of Credit Account Linking Archive (line_of_credit_account_linking_archive_entity)

Database – Line of Credit Account (line_of_credit_entity)

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