Split Payment

This request splits a payment between multiple loans.

   Click here to learn more about this request

Payment splits are used when multiple loans are linked together. For example, a single borrower may have several loans, and they may want to make a single payment that will apply to each of them:

  • This request applies a payment to multiple loans. To preview how a split payment will affect two loans, use the Preview Payment Split request.
  • A split payment requires that the loans are linked.
  • Split payments also require the sum of the allocations of the payment between loans equal to the total payment amount. In other words, you can't have any money left over after determining how the payment is allocated between loans.
  • In case you're unfamiliar with how payments work within LoanPro, the software handles two types of payments: logged and logged and processed. Here's a breakdown of each category:
    • Logged payments are those that are processed externally from LoanPro. In other words, a transfer of money was made, but LoanPro was not directly involved in the transfer. Cash payments, check payments, and payments processed outside of LoanPro fall into this category.
    • Logged and processed payments are those that are processed via LoanPro. In other words, a transfer of money was made, and LoanPro was directly involved in the transfer. Payments made via a bank account or a credit card fall into this category.

For an example of how split payments work within the UI, take a look at our Split a Payment article.


For information on Payments database tables, see the following articles:

// This is the payload for a cash payment. Since cash payments are ONLY logged, selecting a payment processor isn't necessary.
// This payment is a total of $100, and it's split between two loans: 9111 and 9114. Each loan will recieve $50.

    "Payments": {
        "results": [
                "selectedProcessor": "",
                "paymentMethodId": 1,
                "early": 0,
                "echeckAuthType": "payment.echeckauth.WEB",
                "amount": "100",
                "date": "2022-04-20",
                "info": "04/20/2022 Cash",
                "paymentTypeId": 1,
                "active": 1,
                "resetPastDue": 0,
                "payoffPayment": false,
                "quickPay": "",
                "CustomFieldValues": {
                    "results": [
                            "customFieldId": 8,
                            "customFieldValue": "0"
                            "customFieldId": 9,
                            "customFieldValue": "1"
                "_saveProfile": 0,
                "extra": "payment.extra.periods.principalonly",
                "cardFeeType": "loan.cardfee.types.0",
                "cardFeeAmount": 0,
                "cardFeePercent": 0,
                "__logOnly": true,
                "payoffFlag": 0,
                "__splitPaymentInLoans": "[{\"id\":9111,\"displayId\":\"9111\",\"amount\":\"50\",\"splitFeeOptions\":\"loan.splitFee.option.0\"},{\"id\":\"9114\",\"displayId\":\"9114\",\"amount\":\"50\",\"splitFeeOptions\":\"loan.splitFee.option.0\"}]",
                "__isSplited": true
// This is the payload for a credit card payment. Credit card payments are logged AND processed, which means selecting a payment processor is necessary.
// This payment is a total of $200, and it's split between two loans: 3577 and 3578. Each loan will recieve $100.

    "Payments": {
        "results": [
                "selectedProcessor": 0,
                "paymentMethodId": 3,
                "early": 0,
                "echeckAuthType": "payment.echeckauth.WEB",
                "amount": "200",
                "date": "2022-04-20",
                "info": "04/20/2022 Credit/Debit Card",
                "paymentTypeId": 1,
                "active": 1,
                "resetPastDue": 0,
                "payoffPayment": false,
                "quickPay": "",
                "CustomFieldValues": {
                    "results": [
                            "customFieldId": 8,
                            "customFieldValue": "0"
                            "customFieldId": 9,
                            "customFieldValue": "1"
                "_saveProfile": 0,
                "extra": "payment.extra.tx.principal",
                "loansLinkFeeOptins": "loan.splitFee.option.3",
                "__processorName": "{\"id\":\"98\",\"key\":\"anet\",\"name\":\"Anet Default processor\",\"default\":\"1\"}",
                "isOneTimeOnly": 0,
                "paymentAccountId": 289,
                "chargeFeeType": "loan.cardfee.types.1",
                "chargeFeeAmount": 5,
                "chargeFeePercentage": 5,
                "payoffFlag": 0,
                "__splitPaymentInLoans": "[{\"id\":\"3577\",\"displayId\":\"3577\",\"amount\":\"100\",\"splitFeeOptions\":\"loan.splitFee.option.0\"},{\"id\":3578,\"displayId\":\"3578\",\"amount\":\"100\",\"splitFeeOptions\":\"loan.splitFee.option.0\"}]",
                "__isSplited": true
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!