Get linked account balances

This request pulls a breakdown of loan and line of credit accounts that are linked together.

   Click here to learn more about this request

LoanPro's account linking functionality allows users to link line of credit accounts and loan accounts together—allowing accounts to share balances and allowing borrowers to easily make payments on multiple accounts at a time. This request pulls the balance details of the all linked accounts within your environment. Note the following when using this request:

This request is similar to the Get linked account breakdown ↗ request. Where these two endpoints differ is this request pulls both linked loans and linked line of credit account information.

This request pulls a long list of results. Use OData endpoint filtering to limit results.

To learn how to link accounts together, view Link accounts ↗

For an example of how line of credit account balances can be viewed within the UI, take a look at our Line of Credit – Transactions ↗ article. For a breakdown of how line of credit balances are calculated, read our Line of Credit Calculations ↗ article.

Looking for general line of credit account information?

Use the LineOfCredits endpoint as detailed on the Get Line of Credit Account ↗ request.


Results can be filtered by any field in the response to shorten responses. Here's an example of filtering results by a single main account:

/odata.svc/LineOfCreditAccountLinkingTotals?$filter=mainEntityId eq 934314

Use one of the following options to filter results by linked account type:

/odata.svc/LineOfCreditAccountLinkingTotals?$filter=linkedEntityType eq 'Entity.LineOfCredit'
/odata.svc/LineOfCreditAccountLinkingTotals?$filter=linkedEntityType eq 'Entity.Loan'

For more information on filtering API responses, see Filtering and Paginating Responses ↗


For information regarding line of credit linking database tables, see the following articles:

Database – Line of Credit Account Linking entity (line_of_credit_account_linking_entity)

Database – Line of Credit Account Linking Archive (line_of_credit_account_linking_archive_entity)

Database – Line of Credit Account (line_of_credit_entity)

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!