Download generated Dynamic Template

This request provides a download link for generated Dynamic Templates.

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Dynamic Templates are a powerful tool often used to communicate with borrowers. Each template can include LoanPro's context engine variables to dynamically reflect the account's information. Note the following when using this request to download a generated Dynamic Template:

To see the download status for a specific account, use a $filter token that filters for the line of credit account ID. Here's an example of what the endpoint would look like if the line of credit account's ID is 9114:
.../DataDumps?$filter=entityType eq 'Entity.CustomFormLineOfCredit_9114'

The response to this request provides a URL where the generated template(s) can be downloaded. If the status of the generated template(s) is anything other than 'complete', a URL will not be provided.

Download links will expire 5 days after they're generated.

For an example of how generating forms works within the UI, read our Dynamic Templates – Next Steps article.


(Please note: Dynamic Templates are referred to as Custom Forms in the database.)

For information on Dynamic Template database tables, see the following articles:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!