How do I find the Agent Actions & Results Selection ID?

It's complicated.

If you're reading this, you've likely visited the page for our Edit Action & Results request. And you're likely at a loss for finding the ID required to update an agent action and result selection. The process requires a bit of explaining, but we'll list everything you need to know here.

How to Find the ID

To keep things short and simple, you'll need to send a GET request to the following endpoint:{LoanID})?$expand=ActionResultNotes/ActionResultSelectionItems

(Just make sure to replace the {Loan ID} portion with your loan's actual ID.)

You'll receive a payload that looks like this:

    "d": {
        "__metadata": {
            "uri": "",
            "type": "Entity.Loan"
        ... // <-- We're skipping over the expansive list of objects that are listed here.
        "ActionResultNotes": {
             "results": [
                    "__metadata": {
                        "uri": "",
                        "type": "Entity.ActionResultNote"
                    "ActionResultSelectionItems": {  //  In case you're confused about what "selection" means in this context, a selection is simply a combination of an action and result. 
                        "results": [  
                                "__metadata": {
                                    "uri": "",
                                    "type": "Entity.ActionResultSelectionItem"
                                "Note": {
                                    "__deferred": {
                                        "uri": "ActionResultSelectionItems(id=68)/Note"
                                "Action": {
                                    "__deferred": {
                                        "uri": "ActionResultSelectionItems(id=68)/Action"
                                "Result": {
                                    "__deferred": {
                                        "uri": "ActionResultSelectionItems(id=68)/Result"
                                "id": 68, // <-- 👈 THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR.
                                "noteId": 74,
                                "actionId": 3,
                                "resultId": 3,
                                "actionText": "Covid Relief",
                                "resultText": "Covid Accepted"
                    "Attachments": {
                        "__deferred": {
                            "uri": "ActionResultNotes(id=74)/Attachments"
                    "id": 74,
                    "loanId": 9114,
                    "note": "<p>This is an action and results note.</p>",
                    "createUser": 9427,
                    "createUserName": "Nate Christensen",
                    "remoteAddr": "",
                    "created": "/Date(1648747689)/",
                    "lastUpdated": "2022-03-31 20:38:07"
        "id": 9114,
        "displayId": "9114",
        "title": "9114",
        "settingsId": 8750,
        "setupId": 9100,
        "insurancePolicyId": null,
        "collateralId": 0,
        "linkedLoan": null,
        "modId": null,
        "modTotal": 0,
        "humanActivityDate": "/Date(1648684800)/",
        "created": "/Date(1632417902)/",
        "lastMaintRun": "/Date(1648717835)/",
        "createdBy": 9678,
        "active": 1,
        "archived": 0,
        "loanAlert": null,
        "temporaryAccount": 0,
        "deleted": 0,
        "deletedAt": null,
        "_relatedMetadata": null,
        "_dynamicProperties": null
    "d": {
        "__metadata": {
            "uri": "",
            "type": "Entity.Loan"
        "Insurance": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Insurance"
        "CustomFieldValues": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/CustomFieldValues"
        "ChecklistItemValues": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/ChecklistItemValues"
        "Documents": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Documents"
        "Collateral": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Collateral"
        "LoanSettings": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/LoanSettings"
        "LoanSetup": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/LoanSetup"
        "Notes": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Notes"
        "Promises": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Promises"
        "Bankruptcies": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Bankruptcies"
        "Charges": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Charges"
        "Payments": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Payments"
        "LoanFunding": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/LoanFunding"
        "Advancements": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Advancements"
        "Credits": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Credits"
        "DueDateChanges": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/DueDateChanges"
        "CurtailmentDates": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/CurtailmentDates"
        "StatusArchive": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/StatusArchive"
        "Transactions": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Transactions"
        "EscrowCalculatedTx": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/EscrowCalculatedTx"
        "ScheduleRolls": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/ScheduleRolls"
        "StopInterestDates": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/StopInterestDates"
        "APDAdjustments": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/APDAdjustments"
        "DPDAdjustments": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/DPDAdjustments"
        "InterestAdjustments": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/InterestAdjustments"
        "LoanModifications": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/LoanModifications"
        "EscrowAdjustments": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/EscrowAdjustments"
        "EscrowTransactions": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/EscrowTransactions"
        "EscrowSubsetOptions": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/EscrowSubsetOptions"
        "EscrowCalculators": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/EscrowCalculators"
        "EstimatedDisbursements": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/EstimatedDisbursements"
        "Loans": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Loans"
        "LinkedLoanValues": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/LinkedLoanValues"
        "LoanChilds": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/LoanChilds"
        "RecurrentCharges": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RecurrentCharges"
        "PayNearMeOrders": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/PayNearMeOrders"
        "Customers": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Customers"
        "Portfolios": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Portfolios"
        "SubPortfolios": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/SubPortfolios"
        "EscrowSubsets": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/EscrowSubsets"
        "RuleApplied": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleApplied"
        "RuleAppliedLoanSettings": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedLoanSettings"
        "RuleAppliedChargeOff": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedChargeOff"
        "RuleAppliedAPDReset": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedAPDReset"
        "RuleAppliedChecklists": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedChecklists"
        "RuleAppliedChangeDueDates": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedChangeDueDates"
        "RuleAppliedStopInterest": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedStopInterest"
        "RuleAppliedAccountTools": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedAccountTools"
        "RuleAppliedCustomerTools": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedCustomerTools"
        "RuleAppliedAutopay": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedAutopay"
        "RuleAppliedLoanSetup": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedLoanSetup"
        "RuleAppliedBankruptcy": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/RuleAppliedBankruptcy"
        "Autopays": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/Autopays"
        "ActionResultNotes": {
            "results": [
                    "__metadata": {
                        "uri": "",
                        "type": "Entity.ActionResultNote"
                    "ActionResultSelectionItems": {
                        "results": []
                    "Attachments": {
                        "__deferred": {
                            "uri": "ActionResultNotes(id=59)/Attachments"
                    "id": 59,
                    "loanId": 9114,
                    "note": "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.",
                    "createUser": 10124,
                    "createUserName": "Wendy Mower",
                    "remoteAddr": ",3.227.",
                    "created": "/Date(1641320574)/",
                    "lastUpdated": "2022-01-04 18:22:54"
                    "__metadata": {
                        "uri": "",
                        "type": "Entity.ActionResultNote"
                    "ActionResultSelectionItems": {
                        "results": []
                    "Attachments": {
                        "__deferred": {
                            "uri": "ActionResultNotes(id=61)/Attachments"
                    "id": 61,
                    "loanId": 9114,
                    "note": "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.",
                    "createUser": 10124,
                    "createUserName": "Wendy Mower",
                    "remoteAddr": ",3.227.",
                    "created": "/Date(1641321543)/",
                    "lastUpdated": "2022-01-04 18:39:03"
                    "__metadata": {
                        "uri": "",
                        "type": "Entity.ActionResultNote"
                    "ActionResultSelectionItems": {
                        "results": []
                    "Attachments": {
                        "__deferred": {
                            "uri": "ActionResultNotes(id=65)/Attachments"
                    "id": 65,
                    "loanId": 9114,
                    "note": "API DEMO TEST",
                    "createUser": 10124,
                    "createUserName": "Wendy Mower",
                    "remoteAddr": ",3.227.",
                    "created": "/Date(1641321885)/",
                    "lastUpdated": "2022-01-04 18:44:45"
                    "__metadata": {
                        "uri": "",
                        "type": "Entity.ActionResultNote"
                    "ActionResultSelectionItems": {
                        "results": [
                                "__metadata": {
                                    "uri": "",
                                    "type": "Entity.ActionResultSelectionItem"
                                "Note": {
                                    "__deferred": {
                                        "uri": "ActionResultSelectionItems(id=60)/Note"
                                "Action": {
                                    "__deferred": {
                                        "uri": "ActionResultSelectionItems(id=60)/Action"
                                "Result": {
                                    "__deferred": {
                                        "uri": "ActionResultSelectionItems(id=60)/Result"
                                "id": 60,
                                "noteId": 70,
                                "actionId": 10,
                                "resultId": 5,
                                "actionText": "API Testing",
                                "resultText": "Change Due Date"
                    "Attachments": {
                        "__deferred": {
                            "uri": "ActionResultNotes(id=70)/Attachments"
                    "id": 70,
                    "loanId": 9114,
                    "note": "<p>This is an example of using the API to log actions and results.</p>",
                    "createUser": 9427,
                    "createUserName": "Nate Christensen",
                    "remoteAddr": "",
                    "created": "/Date(1648651774)/",
                    "lastUpdated": "2022-03-30 16:29:42"
                    "__metadata": {
                        "uri": "",
                        "type": "Entity.ActionResultNote"
                    "ActionResultSelectionItems": {
                        "results": [
                                "__metadata": {
                                    "uri": "",
                                    "type": "Entity.ActionResultSelectionItem"
                                "Note": {
                                    "__deferred": {
                                        "uri": "ActionResultSelectionItems(id=68)/Note"
                                "Action": {
                                    "__deferred": {
                                        "uri": "ActionResultSelectionItems(id=68)/Action"
                                "Result": {
                                    "__deferred": {
                                        "uri": "ActionResultSelectionItems(id=68)/Result"
                                "id": 68,
                                "noteId": 74,
                                "actionId": 3,
                                "resultId": 3,
                                "actionText": "Covid Relief",
                                "resultText": "Covid Accepted"
                    "Attachments": {
                        "__deferred": {
                            "uri": "ActionResultNotes(id=74)/Attachments"
                    "id": 74,
                    "loanId": 9114,
                    "note": "<p>This is a sample note.</p>",
                    "createUser": 9427,
                    "createUserName": "Nate Christensen",
                    "remoteAddr": "",
                    "created": "/Date(1648747689)/",
                    "lastUpdated": "2022-03-31 20:38:07"
        "LoanFundingTransactions": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "Loans(id=9114)/LoanFundingTransactions"
        "id": 9114,
        "displayId": "9114",
        "title": "9114",
        "settingsId": 8750,
        "setupId": 9100,
        "insurancePolicyId": null,
        "collateralId": 0,
        "linkedLoan": null,
        "modId": null,
        "modTotal": 0,
        "humanActivityDate": "/Date(1648684800)/",
        "created": "/Date(1632417902)/",
        "lastMaintRun": "/Date(1648717835)/",
        "createdBy": 9678,
        "active": 1,
        "archived": 0,
        "loanAlert": null,
        "temporaryAccount": 0,
        "deleted": 0,
        "deletedAt": null,
        "_relatedMetadata": null,
        "_dynamicProperties": null

We've shortened this payload example to remove the bits that are the most irrelevant, but there is still quite a bit of information here. The ID you're looking for has a commented note, and it's listed within the ActionResultSelectionItems object.

How This ID Works

This ID isn't found within the UI, so it's a little unclear how it works within the system. Essentially, each time you update an agent action and result selection, its ID increases by an increment of 1. This happens because updating an agent action and result selection actually deletes it from the database and replaces it with a new one.

For example, if you update an agent action and result selection with the ID of 66, that instance will be deleted and replaced by the ~new and improved~ selection with an ID of 67.