Log a funding transaction

This request logs a funding transaction on a line of credit account.

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Funding transactions are used to send funds to a borrower's Payment Profile. This request is used specifically to fund a borrower who has a line of credit account; however, loan accounts can be funded as well.

Note the following when logging funding transactions:

Funding transactions are processed via an interaction between LoanPro, Secure Payments, and an integrated payment processor. This request sends transaction information to Secure Payments, which communicates with the selected processor. If a transaction is submitted successfully, the status of the transaction is set as "Pending". The status of the transaction will be automatically updated in LoanPro once the transaction is complete.

This request uses Merchant Processor Groups to select a payment processor. If Merchant Processor Groups are not configured in your environment or if your prefer to use the default processor, leave the merchantProcessorGroupId field blank.

Funding requests can be "logged only" if preferred. A "logged only" transaction will not move funds between financial institutions, but it will be added to the funding history of the line of credit account. View the payload examples below to learn how to log a funding transaction without moving funds.


For information regarding line of credit funding transactions database tables, see the following articles:

   "lineOfCreditId": 931,
   "customerId": 16585,
   "categoryId": 1,
   "paymentAccountId": 616,
   "merchantProcessorGroupId": 8,
   "date": "2024-06-24",
   "amount": 20,
   "method": "lineOfCredit.funding.method.bankAccountAchDeposit",
   "authorizationType": "lineOfCredit.funding.auth.individualSignature"
   "lineOfCreditId": 931,
   "customerId": 16585,
   "categoryId": 1,
   "date": "2024-06-24",
   "amount": 20,
   "method": "lineOfCredit.funding.method.other",
   "authorizationType": "lineOfCredit.funding.auth.individualSignature"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!