Get Report File Hub uploads

This request retrieves uploads stored within your environment's Report File Hub.

   Click here to learn more about this request

LoanPro's Report File Hub is a native file and report storage location within your environment. The Report File Hub is typically used to securely store encrypted files and reports with sensitive data. Note the following when using this request:

This endpoint provides filtering options for retrieving specific results. Use the optional $filter parameter to do so. Results can be filtered by the following characteristics:

  • title
  • userName
  • tag
  • date

Here are a few filtering examples:

{baseUrl}/odata.svc/ReportFileHub?$filter=created ge datetime2025-03-07 07:00:00 and created le datetime 2025-03-14 05:59:59&$expand=FileAttachment
{baseUrl}/odata.svc/ReportFileHub?$filter=substringof('John Doe', userName)&$expand=FileAttachment
{baseUrl}/odata.svc/ReportFileHub?$filter=substringof('Credit Reporting', tag)&$expand=FileAttachment
{baseUrl}/odata.svc/ReportFileHub?$filter=substringof('Transactions Report 03.06.2025', title)&$expand=FileAttachment
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