This request pulls loan information.
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Loan accounts are represented by the Loans
entity, and they are structured to hold vast amounts of information. The information stored within a loan account is separated into nested objects. For example, a history of the payments made on a loan account is stored within the Payments
When pulling loan information, a GET
request sent to the Loans
endpoint offers a few different options:
pulls a list of loans within the account.{baseUrl}/odata.svc/Loans({id})
pulls a single loan account's generic information.{baseUrl}/odata.svc/Loans({id})?$expand=LoanSetup
pulls a loan account's generic information and the information stored within theLoanSetup
pulls only the information stored within theLoanSetup
There are dozens of objects nested within the Loans
entity. Here's a list of the nested objects:
ActionResultNotes | EstimatedDisbursements |
Advancements | Insurance |
APDAdjustments | LinkedLoanValues |
Autopays | LoanChilds |
Bankruptcies | LoanFunding |
Charges | LoanSettings |
ChecklistItemValues | LoanSetup |
Collateral | Payments |
Credits | RuleAppliedBankruptcy |
CurtailmentDates | RuleAppliedChangeDueDates |
Customers | RuleAppliedChargeOff |
CustomFieldValues | RuleAppliedChecklists |
Documents | RuleAppliedCustomerTools |
DPDAdjustments | RuleAppliedLoanSettings |
DueDateChanges | RuleAppliedLoanSetup |
EscrowAdjustments | RuleAppliedStopInterest |
EscrowCalculatedTx | ScheduleRolls |
EscrowCalculators | StatusArchive |
EscrowSubsetOptions | StopInterestDates |
EscrowSubsets | SubPortfolios |
EscrowTransactions | Transactions | InterestRateChanges |
For an example of how loans work within the UI, take a look at our New Loan Manager article.
For information regarding loan database tables, see the following articles: