Get Loan Information

This request pulls loan information.

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Loan accounts are represented by the Loans entity, and they are structured to hold vast amounts of information. The information stored within a loan account is separated into nested objects. For example, a history of the payments made on a loan account is stored within the Payments object.

When pulling loan information, a GET request sent to the Loans endpoint offers a few different options:

  1. {baseUrl}/odata.svc/Loans pulls a list of loans within the account.
  2. {baseUrl}/odata.svc/Loans({id}) pulls a single loan account's generic information.
  3. {baseUrl}/odata.svc/Loans({id})?$expand=LoanSetup pulls a loan account's generic information and the information stored within the LoanSetup object.
  4. {baseUrl}/odata.svc/Loans({id})/LoanSetup pulls only the information stored within the LoanSetup object

There are dozens of objects nested within the Loans entity. Here's a list of the nested objects:

ActionResultNotes EstimatedDisbursements
Advancements Insurance
APDAdjustments LinkedLoanValues
Autopays LoanChilds
Bankruptcies LoanFunding
Charges LoanSettings
ChecklistItemValues LoanSetup
Collateral Payments
Credits RuleAppliedBankruptcy
CurtailmentDates RuleAppliedChangeDueDates
Customers RuleAppliedChargeOff
CustomFieldValues RuleAppliedChecklists
Documents RuleAppliedCustomerTools
DPDAdjustments RuleAppliedLoanSettings
DueDateChanges RuleAppliedLoanSetup
EscrowAdjustments RuleAppliedStopInterest
EscrowCalculatedTx ScheduleRolls
EscrowCalculators StatusArchive
EscrowSubsetOptions StopInterestDates
EscrowSubsets SubPortfolios
EscrowTransactions Transactions

For an example of how loans work within the UI, take a look at our New Loan Manager article.


For information regarding loan database tables, see the following articles:

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