Update Loan Setup Values

This request updates a loan's setup configuration information.

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When a loan is created, the information that's stored within the LoanSetup object is used by the LoanPro calculator to generate loan schedules, amounts, and more. The LoanSetup object is nested within the Loans entity, and it holds loan information such as loan amount, interest rate, term, and more.

A loan can be created with only a few values and then be updated with additional information later. This request is used to provide additional setup information or edit a loan's existing setup information.

Here are a few things to note when updating loan setup information:

  • The values in LoanSetup directly affect how a loan is calculated.
  • It's impossible to update these values if the loan is activated.
  • The ID of the loan setup configuration and the "__update" field are required within this payload.

For more information on this topic and examples of how it works within the UI, take a look at our Setup Terms article.


For information on loan database tables, see the following articles:

// The "__id" and "__update" fields are required when updating a loan setup configuration.

    "LoanSetup": {
        "__id": 9763,
        "__update": true,
        "modId": 0,
        "active": 0,
        "apr": "14.9999",
        "aprForceSingle": "0",
        "payment": "237.90",
        "origFinalPaymentDate": "/Date(1817769600)/",
        "origFinalPaymentAmount": "237.80",
        "tilFinanceCharge": "4273.90",
        "tilTotalOfPayments": "14273.90",
        "tilLoanAmount": "10000.00",
        "tilSalesPrice": "14273.90",
        "tilPaymentSchedule": "[{\"count\":59,\"payment\":237.90000000000001,\"startDate\":\"09\\/09\\/2022\"},{\"count\":1,\"payment\":237.80000000000001,\"startDate\":\"08\\/09\\/2027\"}]",
        "regzCustomEnabled": 0,
        "regzApr": "0.0000",
        "regzFinanceCharge": "0.00",
        "regzAmountFinanced": "0.00",
        "regzTotalOfPayments": "0.00",
        "loanAmount": "2000.00",
        "discount": "0.00",
        "underwriting": 0,
        "loanRate": 15,
        "loanRateType": "loan.rateType.annually",
        "loanTerm": 60,
        "moneyFactor": 0,
        "residual": 0,
        "contractDate": "2022-08-10",
        "firstPaymentDate": "2022-09-24",
        "scheduleRound": "0.00",
        "amountDown": "0.00",
        "reserve": "0.00",
        "salesPrice": "0.00",
        "gap": "0.00",
        "warranty": "0.00",
        "dealerProfit": "0.00",
        "taxes": "0.00",
        "creditLimit": "0.00",
        "reportingCreditLimit": "0.00",
        "loanClass": "loan.class.consumer",
        "loanType": "loan.type.installment",
        "discountSplit": 1,
        "paymentFrequency": "loan.frequency.monthly",
        "calcType": "loan.calcType.simpleInterest",
        "daysInYear": "loan.daysInYear.frequency",
        "interestApplication": "loan.interestApplication.betweenPeriods",
        "begEnd": "loan.begend.end",
        "firstPeriodDays": "loan.firstPeriodDays.frequency",
        "firstDayInterest": 1,
        "discountCalc": "loan.discountCalc.rebalancing",
        "diyAlt": 0,
        "dueDateOnLastDOM": "0",
        "dueDatesOnBusinessDays": "loan.businessduedates.disabled",
        "daysInPeriod": "loan.daysinperiod.30",
        "roundDecimals": 2,
        "lastAsFinal": 0,
        "nddCalc": "loan.nddCalc.standard",
        "endInterest": "loan.endInterest.no",
        "scheduleTemplate": 0,
        "curtailmentTemplate": 0,
        "feesPaidBy": "loan.feesPaidBy.period",
        "useInterestTiers": 0,
        "calcHistoryEnabled": 0,
        "calcDatesEnabled": 0,
        "graceDays": 5,
        "lateFeeType": "loan.lateFee.1",
        "lateFeeAmount": "30.00",
        "lateFeeCalc": "loan.lateFeeCalc.standard",
        "lateFeePercentBase": "loan.latefeepercentbase.regular",
        "rollLastPayment": 0,
        "paymentDateApp": "loan.pmtdateapp.actual",
        "suspendForecastTo": null,
        "isSetupValid": true,
        "usuryAlert": null,
        "maxInterestAmount": null,
        "financeChargeAsMIA": 0,
        "setup": true,
        "escrowExtendFinal": 0,
        "showDiscPerc": false,
        "lateFeePercent": 0,
        "EscrowCalculators": {
            "results": [
                    "id": 5367,
                    "entityType": "Entity.Loan",
                    "entityId": 9831,
                    "modId": null,
                    "subset": "1",
                    "term": 1,
                    "total": 0,
                    "percent": 0,
                    "firstPeriod": 0,
                    "regularPeriod": 0,
                    "percentBase": "loan.escrowPercentBase.basePayment",
                    "proRate1st": "loan.escrowProrateFirst.none",
                    "extendFinal": 0,
                    "disclosureLnAmtAdd": 1,
                    "_saved": true,
                    "paymentApplication": "loan.escrowpmtapp.percentfixed",
                    "lastPeriod": 0,
                    "allPayments": [],
                    "__update": true,
                    "__id": 5367
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!