Add Escrow Transaction

This request adds an escrow transaction to a loan.

   Click here to learn more about this request

Escrow transactions allow you to record, deposit, and withdraw transactions for your Escrow Buckets within LoanPro:

  • The EscrowTransactions object is nested within the Loans entity, and it holds transaction history.
  • Escrow Calculators use Escrow Buckets. It's necessary to create one before adding a calculator, do so via the API

For an example of how escrow transactions work within the UI, take a look at our Create a New Escrow Transaction article on our help site.


For information on escrow transaction database tables, see the following articles:

  "EscrowTransactions": {
    "results": [
        "date": "2022-11-24",
        "amount": "100.00",
        "type": "transaction.type.withdrawal",
        "category": 7,
        "description": "Standard Escrow Fee",
        "subset": 2
  "EscrowTransactions": {
    "results": [
        "subset": 2,
        "category": 7,
        "description": "Testing",
        "date": "2022-11-24",
        "type": "transaction.type.withdrawal",
        "amount": "250.00",
        "__id": 31,
        "__update": true
  "EscrowTransactions": {
    "results": [
        "__id": 31,
        "__destroy": true
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!