Add New Parent-Child Payment

This request processes a payment for loans with a parent-to-child relationship.

   Click here to learn more about this request

Loans can be linked together in a parent-to-child relationship. This is useful when one borrower has multiple loans and would like their payments to apply to each loan:

  • You will need to link the loans before processing payments.
  • The parent loan must be the loan used in the endpoint. Parent-child payments can only be made through the parent loan's account.
  • In case you're unfamiliar with how payments work within LoanPro, the software handles two types of payments: logged and logged and processed. Here's a breakdown of each category:
    • Logged payments are those that are processed externally from LoanPro. In other words, a transfer of money was made, but LoanPro was not directly involved in the transfer. Cash payments, check payments, and payments processed outside of LoanPro fall into this category.
    • Logged and processed payments are those that are processed via LoanPro. In other words, a transfer of money was made, and LoanPro was directly involved in the transfer. Payments made via a bank account or a credit card fall into this category.

For an example of how parent-child payments work within the UI, take a look at our Parent-Child Loan Linking article.


For information on parent-child payment database tables, see the following articles:

// This is a payment made on a parent loan that has two child loans. The child loans are set up to receive 75% and 25% of the total payment on the parent loan.

    "Payments": {
        "results": [
                "selectedProcessor": 0,
                "paymentMethodId": 3,
                "early": 0,
                "echeckAuthType": "payment.echeckauth.WEB",
                "amount": "100",
                "date": "2022-04-20",
                "info": "04/20/2022 Credit/Debit Card",
                "paymentTypeId": 1,
                "active": 1,
                "resetPastDue": 0,
                "payoffPayment": false,
                "quickPay": "",
                "CustomFieldValues": {
                    "results": [
                            "customFieldId": 8,
                            "customFieldValue": "0"
                            "customFieldId": 9,
                            "customFieldValue": "1"
                "_saveProfile": 0,
                "extra": "payment.extra.tx.principal",
                "_$childrenLoans": [ //This array is NOT required for your payload. 
                        "id": "3578",
                        "displayId": "3578",
                        "daysPastDue": "0",
                        "collateralInfo": null,
                        "loanSetupInterestRate": 5,
                        "amountDue": "0.00",
                        "percentage": 0.75,
                        "payoff": "4800.66",
                        "principalBalance": "4800.00",
                        "transactionAmount": "75.00",
                        "relationshipId": 36,
                        "__id": "3578",
                        "__update": true
                        "id": "3579",
                        "displayId": "3579",
                        "daysPastDue": "0",
                        "collateralInfo": null,
                        "loanSetupInterestRate": 4.5,
                        "amountDue": "0.00",
                        "percentage": 0.25,
                        "payoff": "3000.37",
                        "principalBalance": "3000.00",
                        "transactionAmount": "25.00",
                        "relationshipId": 37,
                        "__id": "3579",
                        "__update": true
                "loansLinkFeeOptins": "loan.splitFee.option.3",
                "__processorName": "{\"id\":\"98\",\"key\":\"anet\",\"name\":\"Anet Default processor\",\"default\":\"1\"}",
                "paymentAccountId": 289,
                "chargeFeeType": "loan.cardfee.types.1",
                "chargeFeeAmount": 5,
                "chargeFeePercentage": 5,
                "payoffFlag": 0,
                "__splitPaymentInLoans": "[]",
                "TransactionChilds": {
                    "results": [
                            "loanChildId": 36,
                            "percentage": 0.75,
                            "childEntityId": "",
                            "entityId": "",
                            "entityType": "Entity.Payment",
                            "amount": "75.00"
                            "loanChildId": 37,
                            "percentage": 0.25,
                            "childEntityId": "",
                            "entityId": "",
                            "entityType": "Entity.Payment",
                            "amount": "25.00"
// This is a payment made on a parent loan that has one child loan. The child loan is set up to receive 100% of the total payment on the parent loan.

    "Payments": {
        "results": [
                "selectedProcessor": "",
                "paymentMethodId": 1,
                "early": 0,
                "echeckAuthType": "payment.echeckauth.WEB",
                "amount": "250",
                "date": "2022-04-20",
                "info": "04/20/2022 Cash",
                "paymentTypeId": 1,
                "active": 1,
                "resetPastDue": 0,
                "payoffPayment": false,
                "quickPay": "",
                "CustomFieldValues": {
                    "results": [
                            "customFieldId": 8,
                            "customFieldValue": "0"
                            "customFieldId": 9,
                            "customFieldValue": "1"
                "_saveProfile": 0,
                "extra": "payment.extra.periods.principalonly",
                "cardFeeType": "loan.cardfee.types.1",
                "cardFeeAmount": 25,
                "cardFeePercent": 0,
                "_$childrenLoans": [ //This array is NOT required for your payload. 
                        "id": "9709",
                        "displayId": "9119",
                        "daysPastDue": "0",
                        "collateralInfo": "2017 Honda Civic",
                        "loanSetupInterestRate": 5,
                        "amountDue": "0.00",
                        "percentage": 1,
                        "payoff": "9504.73",
                        "principalBalance": "9435.29",
                        "transactionAmount": "250.00",
                        "relationshipId": 18,
                        "__id": "9709",
                        "__update": true
                "__logOnly": true,
                "payoffFlag": 0,
                "__splitPaymentInLoans": "[]",
                "TransactionChilds": {
                    "results": [
                            "loanChildId": 18,
                            "percentage": 1,
                            "childEntityId": "",
                            "entityId": "",
                            "entityType": "Entity.Payment",
                            "amount": "250.00"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!