put https://loanpro.simnang.com/api/public/api/1/odata.svc/Loans()
This request funds a loan account using LoanPro's legacy funding method.
Click here to learn more about this request
This is the legacy version of loan funding.
This method works, but it's no longer the standard for loan funding. We've added an Enhanced Funding process that funds a loan with additional functionality. Take a look at our Enhanced Funding request to see how it works.
Here is what's necessary to know about this request:
- The funding tool helps lenders keep track of how they give money to their borrowers.
- There are multiple methods for funding a loan, and the
field determines which is used.
For information regarding enhanced funding database tables, see the following articles:
- Database – Enhanced Funding (loan_funding_transaction_entity)
- Database – Funding Category (funding_category_entity)
Sample Payloads
"amount": 1500,
"date": "2022-02-08",
"cashDrawerId": "",
"whoEntityType": "Entity.Customer",
"method": "loan.funding.method.deposit",
"authorizationType": "loan.funding.auth.web",
"country": "company.country.usa",
"whoEntityId_customer": 534,
"whoEntityId": 534,
"selectedProcessor": "1",
"paymentAccountId": 276