Log a bucket transfer

This request creates a bucket transfer on a line of credit account.

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On a line of credit account, a borrower's balance is divided between several buckets which each have their own credit limit and interest rate. However, it is possible transfer the balance of one bucket to another:

  • The LineOfCreditBucketTransferTransactions object holds bucket transfer information, and it's nested within the LineOfCredits entity.
  • Bucket transfers require a "from" bucket and a "to" bucket. Both buckets must be currently active on the account.
  • Balance transfers can also be edited and reversed. To do so, include the ID of the balance transfer and the "__update": true parameter in the payload. See the payload samples below for examples.

For an example of how bucket transfers work in the UI, take a look at our Line of Credit – Log a Bucket Transfer article.


For information regarding line of credit charge database tables, see the following articles:

    "LineOfCreditBucketTransferTransactions": {
        "results": [
                "status": "lineOfCredit.transactionStatus.active",
                "description": "Bucket Transfer 1",
                "amount": 57.39,
                "fromBucket": 1,
                "toBucket": 2,
                "applyDate": "2023-09-19"
    "LineOfCreditBucketTransferTransactions": {
        "results": [
                "__id": 232,
                "__update": true,
                "status": "lineOfCredit.transactionStatus.active",
                "description": "Bucket Transfer 1",
                "amount": 57.39,
                "fromBucket": 1,
                "toBucket": 2,
                "applyDate": "2023-09-19"
    "LineOfCreditBucketTransferTransactions": {
        "results": [
                "__id": 232,
                "__update": true,
                "status": "lineOfCredit.transactionStatus.reversed"
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