This request generates a 10-day payoff statement for a loan account.
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A 10-day payoff statement is used to inform a borrower how much must be paid to close the account and mark it as paid in full. This request generates a 10-day payoff statement for a specific loan account starting on a specified date. Note the following when using this request:
For an accurate 10-day payoff statement, ensure the account has first been activated. This request will return a response for accounts that are not currently activated. However, due to the static nature of an inactivated account, the payoff information will be the same for all ten days.
The values returned in the response of this request include up to 16 decimal places. This is to ensure loan value calculations are as accurate as possible.
For an example of how to view 10-day payoff information within the UI, view Payoff, close, and renewal↗